The legal rights of fathers are often at issue in matters involving child custody, financial support, and visitation arrangements. Men facing these issues need experienced, caring family law representation to help them pursue their legal rights. Our comprehensive online directory helps parents find local lawyers who have the experience and skill to represent fathers’ interests in court.
Gone are the days when women were, by default, awarded full custody of children after a divorce. While courts continue to work to catch up with the changing social and familial mores, many fathers still face challenges when it comes to obtaining time-sharing and custody rights with their children.
A Miami Father?s Rights Lawyer can help you ensure that the court orders a custody and visitation arrangement that is in your children’s best interest. A Orlando paternity rights lawyer can also assist you if you are struggling to establish paternity, object to third-party adoptions, or claim spousal support and/or child support.
Establishing Paternity
In order to gain parental rights, a father must first prove that he is the biological parent of the child. A father can do this by petitioning the court to determine paternity, a process that involves scientific DNA testing. Alternatively, the mother or the Florida Department of Child Support Services may do this for him. A fathers rights attorney can explain the process and help you get your name on the birth certificate and obtain the necessary information to prove paternity.
Fathers often fear that a divorce or a child custody dispute will result in them being demoted from a full-time parenting role to a visitor. The truth is, however, that a judge’s ultimate decision will be based on the child’s best interest, not the preference of one parent or the other. This is true even if the child has lived exclusively with the mother.
If the mother has a strong relationship with her children, she may be more likely to agree to a mutually beneficial custody arrangement. But even in those cases, a Miami fathers rights lawyer can help you fight for your legal rights to significant, even primary, time-sharing and custodial relationship with your children.
To make your search for a local attorney easier, our directory features profiles that include each lawyer’s background and contact information. We also provide links to an attorney’s website, education, and professional achievements, where available. You can use the contact form on each profile to reach out and connect with a lawyer you are considering. Once you do, the attorney can answer your questions and help you decide what legal action will be in your best interest.